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General Terms and Conditions for online classifieds by Joerg Wanker - Softwarengineering, Koppstrasse 103, 1160 Wien, in the following called "PanBazaar".

(1) General

"Online advertisement request" in terms of of the following general terms and conditions is an agreement about the propagation of one or more advertising media provided by a customer or other interested party via internet on For the processing of such a request only this general terms and conditions and the currently valid price list are to be effective. Services provided free of charge can be discontinued at any time or be continued against payment. No claim of reduction, refunding or amends arises from such. Terms and conditions of customers or third parties are invalid whether or not PanBazaar expressly disagrees and whether or not PanBazaar perform any service.

(2)Conditions of Use

At this time this service is free of charge for private individuals until canceled. Online provided advertisements will be stored and displayed for 14 days counting from the date of last modification. After this period of time the advertisement will be set inactive or deleted. PanBazaar keeps the right to refuse advertisements without giving reasons at any time. Furthermore PanBazaar keeps the right to move advertisements which are completed "OFF TOPIC" into a fitting category or to remove them.

(3) Liabilities

PanBazaar takes no liabilities whatsoever.
PanBazaar gives no warranty of successful buying or selling of objects advertised at Every user will take note of and agrees expresivly to these terms of usage. The advertisements may not neither as content, image, formulation nor obvious purpose infringe upon Austrian or European laws.

(4) Final Provisions

Modifications and additions to these general terms and conditions and additional agreements require written form to be effective. This applies especially for the afore metioned clause. The required written form can also be the transmission via telefax or elcetronic media (email or webpage). If any of the terms of this agreement become fully or partially invalid, the others parts of this agreement shall remain intact. In stead of the invalid part of the agreement a replacement term in the spirit of this agreement or one as close as posible to the spirit of this agreement shall be used, which the parties would have be using in such an agreement had they known of the nullity of that part. The same applies to the incompleteness of the terms and conditions. Sole competent court for all disputes shall be Vienna. This agreement incorporates all applicable adjective and substantive law of the republic of Austria.

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